Wednesday, October 21, 2009


so i'm really not entirely sure how this is going to go because i've never kept a blog or anything like that before. oh first of all, i never capitalize, and i don't have very good spelling, so bear with me. and also, i really don't know if anyone out there is going to read this... i mean i hope so, but who knows.

so, about me, im a junior in high school (im sixteen), and i do lots of stuff. im on the swim team (i suck, but its whatever), im in the spanish club, the beta club, and im on my twelfth year of playing the violin. thats actually, really the only thing that im good at. which is a bummer because i hate it so much. also, im working on becoming a model. im saying this at the risk of sounding naive and stupid, but this is a serious thing for me.

agh ive got lots of problems and stress in my life... mostly because my mum is a crazy psycho control freak bitch. not even kidding. i hate my family because they are ridiculous- whatever i dont need them. my mum is under the (wrong) impression that i have an eating disorder. it really pisses me off because i eat so much, and yah i am skinny but not like that!
and im a perfectionist, so i feel this need for everything in my life to be just so- or i freak. not really a great characteristic. also, i take super hard classes at school, and im getting straight a's.

well thats me...
for right now at least.

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