Thursday, October 22, 2009

needy friends

agh. i am such a fucking fantastic friend. my "friend" annie was dumped by my friend zack, a week before school started. even though its been like 3 months, she still cries over him every day. every goddamn day. i would know. she seems to save up all her tears, bitching, complaining and sob stories for me. like today? yah i spent all lunch period listening/watching her cry and obsess over zack. i had to deal with that yesterday too.

i don't know what im supposed to say. what do you say to someone who wont listen? no matter how much i explain to her that she needs to focus on herself, not zack, and she needs to get over it, she just doesn't fucking get it. all she does is cry. i think that if i collected all her tears for one week, it could provide enough water for a year for a town in kenya. no lie. its like other people have emotions and feelings- annie just cries.

whatever. im done dealing with this.

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